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Workers' Compensation
Premium Indication
Workers' Compensation
Premium Indication
Instant Workers' Compensation Premium Indication
Get an Instant Price Indication* for Workers’ Compensation through one of our Top Leading, A+ Admitted Insurance Carriers.
*IMPORTANT Rating Information:
If risk is Experience Rated, the price indication WILL NOT include the risk's Experience Modification. The Experience Mod will be applied by Cluett to the Premium Quote. If applicable, please include the Experience Mod Worksheet in the Upload section below. If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Dempsey at [email protected].
If risk is Experience Rated, the price indication WILL NOT include the risk's Experience Modification. The Experience Mod will be applied by Cluett to the Premium Quote. If applicable, please include the Experience Mod Worksheet in the Upload section below. If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Dempsey at [email protected].
Each Workers’ Compensation Program offered through Cluett varies by state, minimum premium, eligible classes, and modification factor or by loss ratio. The underwriters at Cluett review each submission to match program eligibility and provide a quote(s) when available. Please contact our Underwriting Department for questions or information on all available programs.